Guarding the Health of Your Child

Immunizations Are Required for School Enrollment

By Pediatrician Dr. Radha Iyengar, TrueCare

Childhood immunizations are integral to the year-round health of children. Whether you’re a parent, guardian, or grandparent, it’s important to stay informed on this topic.

A pediatrician’s guidance on immunizations is anchored in the scientifically supported vaccine schedules of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the result of the historical triumphs of vaccines over diseases like polio, mumps, and measles.

Immunization education starts at well-child checks and extends to every pediatric encounter. Vaccines are not mere checkboxes but vital shields against invisible threats!

Misinformation remains the primary obstacle. People naturally refer to their family members and friend circles for opinions. Others rely on Internet searches and social media.

Scrutinize your sources. Credible institutions like the CDC and AAP continue to be the best resources for understanding the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of vaccines. In my early years in residency, interventions had to be used when kids got sick. Today, we have a dramatic decline in illnesses because vaccines were introduced.

As some diseases fade from memory or no longer pose an immediate threat, it can be difficult for parents to understand the need for immunizations today. But kids grow up, and communicable diseases still exist. Immunizations help their immunity fight infection, especially if they travel abroad.

In California, parents will face hurdles when enrolling their children in school if they don’t have the recommended immunizations. And pediatricians cannot write vaccine exemptions without a valid medical diagnosis.

For those families new to California with children starting school, please talk to your pediatrician about the required immunizations. We can help get your child on an adjusted timeline for receiving them if they are behind and help get everyone ready for the school year.

The same goes for young adults turning 18. The decision to vaccinate becomes theirs alone. But college-bound students, too, must meet immunization requirements.

Don’t assume that missed vaccinations are lost opportunities. With catch-up schedules, there is always a path to take charge of your health journey.

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