Bridge to Housing Shelters / Albergues con Bridge to Housing
Shelter / Albergue | Address / Dirección | Phone Number / Teléfono | Email / Website / Sitio web | Offers / Ofrece | Requirements | Requisitos |
Interfaith Shelter Network North Coastal Shelter | 650 Second Street, Encinitas | (760) 230-8821 | -Pre-screened men, women and families for up to 8 weeks -Required to be gainfully employed or working actively toward being employed. | -Hombres, mujeres y familias previamente aprobados por hasta 8 semanas. – Se requiere que tengan empleo estable o que estén activamente buscando empleo | ||
Interfaith Community Services Haven House | 555 Centre City Pkwy, Escondido | 760-644-4644 (760) 489-6380, ext. 276 | | Open year round. | Men & women | Hombres y mujeres |
Operation Hope North County | 859 East Vista Way, Vista | 760-536-3880 | | -Year Round -Educational and enrichment programs | Families and women | Familias y mujeres |
Catholic Charities La Posada De Guadalupe | 2476 Impala Drive, Carlsbad | 760-929-2322 | -Year-round, short-term shelter for farmworkers and men. -Case management, showers, breakfast, bagged lunches, and supper. | Men only | Solo hombres |
Other North County Shelters / Otros albergues en el norte del condado
Shelter /Albergue | Address / Dirección | Phone Number /Teléfono | Offers / Ofrecce | Requirements | Requisitos | |
Vista Safe Parking | (858) 637-3373 | -6:00pm–7:00am, 7 days a week -Supportive services, restrooms, case managers | Appointments Required, • Participation in JFS’s Case Management Services • Functioning vehicle (no oversized vehicles or RVs) • Cannot be a registered sex offender or have any active warrants | Se requiere cita -Participación en Servicios de manejo de casos -Vehículo que funciona (no se permiten vehículos de mucho tamaño de RV) -No se permiten a personas registradas como delincuentes sexuales ni que tengan órdenes de arresto | ||
YMCA Transitional Youth Overnight Lodging | (760) 908-9373 | | Once-a-week safe place to stay overnight for youth ages 18–24. Meals, showers, case management | Check 4-6 pm. at TAY Drop-In Center | Llegar entre 4 y 6 p.m. en el Centro TAY | |
Oceanside Navigation Center | | -For men, women, families in Oceanside. -Pets allowed. | Identity verified. Referral from Oceanside Police Department’s Homeless Outreach Team | Se verifica la identidad Remisión del Equipo para Personas sin Hogar del Departamento de Policía de Oceanside | ||
Buena Creek Navigation Center | -Low-barrier shelter for Vista and Encinitas. -Shared bedroom. -3 meals daily, showers, laundry, case management, peer support, healthcare through Vista Community Clinic -Pets allowed -Couples allowed | Referrals through outreach programs in the 2 cities. | Remisiones mediante programas en ambas ciudades. |
Other Housing Services / Otros servicios de vivienda
Service / Servicio | Name / Nombre | Address / Dirección | Phone Number / Teléfono | Website / Sitio web |
Rent Assistance / Asistencia on la renta | Housing and Community Development Services / Servicios de Vivienda y Desarrollo comunitario | 3989 Ruffin Rd., San Diego, 92123 | (858) 694-4801 or Toll free (877) 478-LIST (5478) | |
Affordable Housing / Vivienda asequible | County of San Diego Housing and Community Development Services Rental Assistance and Affordable Housing Directory / Directorio de vivienda asequible | | ||
Vista Affordable Housing | | |||
Carlsbad Affordable Housing | | |||
North County Affordable Housing | | |||
Area Median Income (AMI) Chart/ Tabla de ingreso medio (AMI) | Income Limits AMI Chart | | ||
CalWORKS Housing Support Program / Programa de vivienda de CalWorks | EQUUS Workforce Eviction prevention (prevención de desalojo)Bridge Housing (Vivienda temporal)Permanent Housing (Vivienda permanente)Rental Assistance (Asistencia con la renta)Other housing fees (otros gastos de vivivenda) | -613 W. Valley Parkway Escondido -3708 Ocean Ranch Blvd., Oceanside | -(760) 871-1900 -(760) 696-9600 | |