Housing Assistance / Asistencia con la vivienda

Bridge to Housing Shelters / Albergues con Bridge to Housing

Shelter / AlbergueAddress / DirecciónPhone Number / TeléfonoEmail / Website / Sitio webOffers / OfreceRequirementsRequisitos
Interfaith Shelter Network North Coastal Shelter  650 Second Street, Encinitas  (760) 230-8821     -Pre-screened men, women and families for up to 8 weeks -Required to be gainfully employed or working actively toward being employed.  -Hombres, mujeres y familias previamente aprobados por hasta 8 semanas. – Se requiere que tengan empleo estable o que estén activamente buscando empleo
Interfaith Community Services Haven House  555 Centre City Pkwy, Escondido   760-644-4644   (760) 489-6380, ext. 276  havenhouse@interfaithservices.org  Open year round.  Men & womenHombres y mujeres
Operation Hope North County  859 East Vista Way, Vista  760-536-3880  www.operationhopeshelter.org  -Year Round -Educational and enrichment programsFamilies and women  Familias y mujeres
Catholic Charities La Posada De Guadalupe  2476 Impala Drive, Carlsbad760-929-2322   -Year-round, short-term shelter for farmworkers and men. -Case management, showers, breakfast, bagged lunches, and supper. Men onlySolo hombres

Other North County Shelters / Otros albergues en el norte del condado

Shelter /AlbergueAddress / DirecciónPhone Number /TeléfonoEmailOffers / OfrecceRequirementsRequisitos
Vista Safe Parking   (858) 637-3373 -6:00pm–7:00am, 7 days a week -Supportive services, restrooms, case managersAppointments Required,
• Participation in JFS’s Case Management Services
• Functioning vehicle (no oversized vehicles or RVs)
• Cannot be a registered sex offender or have any active warrants  
Se requiere cita -Participación en Servicios de manejo de casos -Vehículo que funciona (no se permiten vehículos de mucho tamaño de RV) -No se permiten a personas registradas como delincuentes sexuales ni que tengan órdenes de arresto
YMCA Transitional Youth Overnight Lodging   (760) 908-9373  taysupports@ymcasd.org  Once-a-week safe place to stay overnight for youth ages 18–24. Meals, showers, case managementCheck 4-6 pm. at TAY Drop-In Center  Llegar entre 4 y 6 p.m. en el Centro TAY
Oceanside Navigation Center    OPDHOT@oceansideca.org.  -For men, women, families in Oceanside. -Pets allowed.Identity verified. Referral from Oceanside Police Department’s Homeless Outreach TeamSe verifica la identidad Remisión del Equipo para Personas sin Hogar del Departamento de Policía de Oceanside  
Buena Creek Navigation Center     -Low-barrier shelter for Vista and Encinitas. -Shared bedroom. -3 meals daily, showers, laundry, case management, peer support, healthcare through Vista Community Clinic -Pets allowed -Couples allowedReferrals through outreach programs in the 2 cities.  Remisiones mediante programas en ambas ciudades.

Other Housing Services / Otros servicios de vivienda

Service / ServicioName / NombreAddress / DirecciónPhone Number / TeléfonoWebsite / Sitio web
Rent Assistance / Asistencia on la rentaHousing and Community Development Services / Servicios de Vivienda y Desarrollo comunitario3989 Ruffin Rd., San Diego, 92123  (858) 694-4801 or Toll free (877) 478-LIST (5478)www.sdhcd-renters.sdcounty.ca.gov  
Affordable Housing / Vivienda asequible County of San Diego Housing and Community Development Services Rental Assistance and Affordable Housing Directory / Directorio de vivienda asequible  https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/dam/sdc/sdhcd/docs/rental-assistance/housing-resource-2020-rev.pdf
Vista Affordable Housing   https://www.cityofvista.com/home/showpublisheddocument/26940/638089541052300000
Carlsbad Affordable Housing   https://www.carlsbadca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/17497/638524993774070000  
North County Affordable Housing   https://www.ci.oceanside.ca.us/home/showpublisheddocument/8644/637974699432530000  
Area Median Income (AMI) Chart/ Tabla de ingreso medio (AMI)Income Limits AMI Chart  https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/sdhcd/rental-assistance/income-limits-ami.html  
CalWORKS Housing Support Program / Programa de vivienda de CalWorksEQUUS Workforce Eviction prevention (prevención de desalojo)Bridge Housing (Vivienda temporal)Permanent Housing (Vivienda permanente)Rental Assistance (Asistencia con la renta)Other housing fees (otros gastos de vivivenda)-613 W. Valley Parkway Escondido -3708 Ocean Ranch Blvd., Oceanside-(760) 871-1900     -(760) 696-9600https://www.cdss.ca.gov/inforesources/cdss-programs/housing-programs/calworks-housing-support-program  

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