Covered California: You Can Get Health Insurance

If your employer does not offer you health insurance and you don’t qualify for Medi-Cal, you can still get covered.
On March 23, 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law, making it possible for millions of Americans to get health coverage from private insurers.
Under the ACA, subsidies help you pay only a percentage of your household’s annual income for coverage. The less you earn, the less you have to pay. If your annual income falls below the poverty line, you can get this coverage and make no payments.
These programs are also for people who cannot get what is called “minimal essential” health coverage through an employer. If you are one of the roughly 50% of Americans who do not get affordable coverage through your job, you can take advantage of the ACA.
But you must apply by January 31. Read on to find out how.

How Does It Work?
If you live in the state of California, you can be one of 1.7 million people who have health insurance through Covered California, the state’s version of the ACA. But sometimes getting a plan can be confusing. There are only certain times of the year that you can sign up. That time is now through January 31.
To find out if you are eligible for Covered California or for Medi-Cal, you can visit You can navigate the site or talk to representatives in English or Spanish. You will enter your household income, ZIP code, and other data, and you can find out if you qualify. You can also buy insurance from participating medical plans at Covered California even if you do not qualify for financial help. If you buy coverage this way, it may cost less than if you buy it directly from health providers.
When visiting the Covered California website or calling the service line, you can check the different plans offered and choose the one that is best for you. You can also compare the available plans.
Before you choose a plan, you will provide information about the income and employment of each person in your household, proof of legal residency or a social security number, your contact information, your ZIP code, the names of the head of household and dependents listed on your tax return, and employer health insurance anyone in the household may have.
After you sign up, the insurance company you choose will contact you directly through the mail about your coverage. You will pay the insurance provider a monthly premium directly, or if you qualify for Medi-Cal, you will receive information from your county Medi-Cal office.
If any of your personal information changes, including income and ZIP code, you must report it on the Covered California site or by calling.

Rules to Remember
You must register for Covered California by January 31, 2023. Californians have extra time to sign up, since people in most states must sign up by January 15.
If you wait until after January 31, you can only sign up if you lose your current health insurance or have a major life change, such as having a baby. So, don’t forget to sign up by January 31!
Also, unless you qualify for Medi-Cal, don’t forget to pay your monthly premiums to your private provider. You do not pay Covered California directly. Even though you may pay less thanks to your subsidies, you still have to pay the amount determined by your income or you will lose your coverage.
Provide proof of income to Covered California. The easiest way is to upload your income tax return to the Covered California website by June 30.
If you already have Covered California, it will automatically renew for 2023, but you should update your information. If you receive too much in aid, you will have to pay it back with your taxes.

You Must Have Health Coverage
Since January 2020, you must have health coverage if you live in California.
If you do not have any, you will be charged a fine when you file your tax return. The penalty for 2022 is at least $850 per adult and $425 for each dependent under 18 in your household. A family of four with no insurance could pay more than $2550 in fines. If you do not make enough money to file taxes, you will not be fined for not having coverage.
Remember that having health coverage means you can afford to take care of yourself and your family if you get sick, need surgery, or have an accident.

Undocumented Immigrants
If you are not a legal resident, you cannot get health insurance through Covered California, but you can get Medi-Cal if you are younger than 26, are 50 or older, are a DACA recipient, or are pregnant or were recently pregnant. You can also buy private health insurance on your own. If your child is a citizen and you are not, you can get Covered California for your child without affecting your immigration status in any way.
You can visit the Covered California site or call for information on these services.

Covered California phone number: 1-800-300-1506
Covered California website:

You can visit local clinics for help signing up for Covered California: 

Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA)


Vista Community Clinic (VCC)
760-631-5000, ext. 7190

Neighborhood Healthcare

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