Healthy Women Build Healthy Communities

There are certain ailments women face that can be prevented or caught in time, saving lives or keeping women from facing long-term chronic issues.

Most community clinics can provide care related to menstrual issues. Some also provide period products, as do many food banks. There is no reason to suffer due to menstrual problems like pain, dizziness, irregularity, or other issues. Clinics can help.


According to government statistics, babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care. Clinics can help with breastfeeding or other feeding options and can direct families to services that provide formula or other food access, such as WIC. Some clinics provide diapers or can link you with organizations that provide them.


A woman reaches menopause when she has gone one year with no period. The average age in the United States is 52. Menopause can increase the risks of heart disease, strokes, osteoporosis, lead poisoning, high blood pressure, kidney problems, urinary incontinence, and oral issues. Visiting a doctor can help you deal with symptoms and lead a healthier, more satisfying life.


According to the US government, women are almost twice as likely to have symptoms of depression as men. Depression can be treated, so it is important not to be afraid or ashamed to talk to a doctor or a trusted counselor about it.

Reproductive Care

Family Health Services of San Diego: 619-515-2300

Prenatal Care Network: 800-675-2229

Valley Center Neighborhood Healthcare: 833-867-4642

TrueCare (North County): 760-736-6767

Vista Community Clinic (VCC): 844-308-5003

Planned Parenthood: 888-743-7526

ADAPT Mental Program for postpartum women 619-333-4250

Services for Women in North County San Diego

This chart is meant to serve as a guide to services geared toward women in the North County. Please check with the providers for complete updated information.

OrganizationContact / ContactoServicesServicios
County Center (El condado)Call / Llamar a 211Database for community health servicesBases de datos para servicios comunitarios de salud
Women’s Resource Center1963 Apple St., Oceanside 760-757-3500 https://www.wrcsd.orgAid for survivors of sexual abuseAsistencia para mujeres en situación de abuso sexual
Foundation for Women Warriors1185 Park Center Dr., Vista 92081 310-733-2450 https://foundationforwomenwarriors.orgMilitary womenMujeres parientes de militares
Línea de intervención en crisis Centro de Recursos para la Mujer 1-800-799-7233Domestic Violence helpAsistencia con casos de violencia doméstica
National Deaf Domestic Violence Hotline1-855-812-1011 (VP)  
YWCA619-234-3164  24-hour hotline for DV victimsLínea de 24 horas para víctimas de violencia doméstica
Community Resource Center (CRC)1-877-633-1112   Emergency shelter with 24 beds for women DV victims and their children, for 45–60 days as they receive other servicesAlbergue de emergencia con 24 camas para mujeres víctimas de violencia doméstica y sus hijos, por 45–60 días, mientras reciben otros servicios  
Las Valientes760-439-1133   Help for Latina women; legal programs related to DVAyuda a mujeres de la comunidad hispana con programas legales asociados con la violencia doméstica
San Diego County858-694-3900   Help signing up for food and assistance: Cal-Learn, CalWORKs, Children in Need, Inc., CalFresh, Healthy San Diego, Medi-CalInscripción a servicios de asistencia y de alimentos: Cal-Learn, CalWORKs, CAPI, Children in Need, Inc., CalFresh, Healthy San Diego, Medi-Cal  
TrueCare North County Health Services  760-966-3306 2210 Mesa Dr., Oceanside    Certified specialists to help sign up for CalFresh, Medi-Cal, or Covered California; women’s health services Especialistas en inscripciones en CalFresh, Medi-Cal o Covered California; servicios de salud para mujeres
Vista Community Clinic (VCC) Insurance and Benefits Enrollment Services844-308-5003 818 Pier View Way, Oceanside 517 N. Horne St., Oceanside, 92054 4700 N. River Road, Oceanside, 92057  465 La Tortuga Dr., Vista, 92081 134 Grapevine Rd. Vista, 92083 1000 Vale Terrace Dr., Vista    Help signing up for health insurance programs and public benefits for low- or mid-income individuals, such as Covered California, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, and WICAyuda para inscribir a pacientes en los programas de seguro médico y beneficios públicos disponibles a individuos de ingresos bajos o medianos, como Covered California, Medi-Cal, CalFresh y WIC
TrueCare Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Supplemental Nutrition Program888-477-6333 2210 Mesa Dr., Suite 100, Oceanside 150 Valpreda Rd., San Marcos 1130 2nd Ave., Encinitas 649 W. Mission Ave. Ste. 7, Escondido 28246 Lilac Rd., Valley Center nutrition program for people who are pregnant, babies, and children up to 5Programa de nutrición suplementaria para embarazadas, bebés y niños hasta los 5 años  
Maternal Child Health, North Coastal Region (salud maternal e infantil)760-967-4401 3609 Ocean Ranch Blvd., 92056 visits to low-income, at-risk women during pregnancy and post-partum, and for children up to 5Visitas a domicilio a mujeres en riesgo, de bajos ingresos, durante el embarazo y posparto y a los niños hasta los 5 años.
TrueCare Mission Mesa Women’s Health Center760-736-6767 2210 Mesa Drive, Suite 5, Oceanside 92054  Comprehensive women’s health including pregnancy, childbirth, birth control, preventive care, and annual checkupsCuidado de salud a la mujer integral como el embarazo, parto, control natal, chequeos preventivos y exámenes anuales
Neighborhood Healthcare833-867-4642 488 East Valley Parkway, Suite 411, Escondido 550 W Washington Ave, Escondido 2085 Montiel Rd, Suite 102, San Marcos 28477 Lizard Rocks Rd., Valley CenterEnrollment in CalFresh, Medi-Cal, or Covered California; women’s health services Inscripciones en CalFresh, Medi-Cal o Covered California; servicios de salud para mujeres
Family Recovery Center760-439-6702Clinically managed residential drug treatment and withdrawal management services for pregnant and parenting women and their childrenTratamiento residencial clínico y ayuda al dejar las sustancia para mujeres embarazadas y madres y sus hijos
One Safe Place760-290-3690 1050 Los Vallecitos Blvd. #351 San Marcos 92069    Child abuse, sexual assault, DV, hate crime, elder abuse, human trafficking, violent loss, family violenceAbuso a menores, asalto sexual, violencia doméstica, crimen de odio, abuso a mayores, trata de blancas, pérdida violenta, violencia familiar
Women, Infants and Children Services (WIC)1-800-500-6411 1906 Oceanside Blvd. Oceanside 92054 760-433-6203  Food stamps, financial help, housing and rent assistance, electric bill assistance, food assistance programs, utility bill assistance programsVales de comida, asistencia financiera, asistencia con vivienda y renta y con la cuenta de luz, asistencia alimenticia y de paga de utilidades
Women’s First Step House of North County760-542-6724 508 Toucan Dr., Vista for womenDesintoxicación para las mujeres

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