CalFresh Healthy Living (SNAP-Ed) teaches Californians about good nutrition and how to stretch their food dollars. The Mini Course is a free nutrition course delivered entirely online covering 15 topics.
Learn how to:
- Eat healthy
- Save money
- Cook easy, tasty meals
Take course:
Leah’s Pantry and FoodSmarts Courses also train community partners to teach about nutrition. Some points covered include:
- Reading recipes
- Adding more color to your meals
- Making meals healthier
- Moving more (get more exercise)
- Handling stress
- Feeding kids
- Making healthier choices
- Understanding labels and ingredients
- Writing a healthy grocery list
CalFresh and USDA Online Nutrition Course Resources:
Many California residents are from cultures and backgrounds that value gardening. You can join your local community and city boards to advocate for more community gardens and to get gardens included in community and city budgets.
Basic Nutrition Guidelines
- Prepare your own food.
- Check serving sizes on prepared food. Check calories per serving and per container.
- Limit trans fats, added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat.
- Make sure you eat enough calcium, dietary fiber, iron, potassium, and vitamin D.
- Adults need at least 25–35 grams of fiber daily.
- People’s daily calorie needs are different. Always check with your doctor before making food changes.
- Don’t forget about the sugar and calories in your drinks.
- On average, doctors recommend about 2 liters of water a day for adults. Check with your physician for your personal needs regarding water intake.
- Many programs recommend exclusively breastfeeding babies for at least six months.
Good nutrition goes beyond what you eat. It also includes how and when you eat. It is important to plan meals in advance. Nutritionists recommend eating together at the table as a family and being mindful while eating, which includes putting away electronic devices. Also, managing stress helps our bodies utilize our nutritious food better.