Oceanside Schools Offer Dual-Language Education

By Melanie Slone

Dual-language education in San Diego County schools: sdcoe.net/educators/multilingual-education-and-global-achievement/dual-language

OUSD Facebook en español: https://www.facebook.com/OUSDenespanol

Families can put their kindergarteners in dual immersion learning in Oceanside, says Diane Kemp López, District Translator/Interpreter II in the Oceanside School District Communications Department, and they will get a seal on their diploma when they graduate from high school noting that they are biliterate.

Diane also provides interpretation services for Oceanside families who meet with their students’ teachers and school faculty, or at IEP meetings. “Parents have a legal right to language services…free of charge,” she says, in any language, including for disability assessments.

Parents can ask all the questions they want directly of teachers, psychologists, and other school service providers. “The interpreter/translator gives voice to the families and allows them to make informed decisions that can help their student be more successful in school,” she says.

A promoter of biliteracy, Diane urges families to be dual language in the home. “It’s important to continue reading and speaking in the home language to develop transferable skills.”

To celebrate those who work hard to educate biliterate students, the San Diego Leadership in Biliteracy Symposium holds an annual awards ceremony; Diane was one of the honorees at the April 25 event.

Por Melanie Slone

Las familias pueden inscribir a sus niños y niñas de kínder en aprendizaje de doble inmersión en Oceanside, dice Diane Kemp López, traductora/intérprete II en el Departamento de Comunicaciones del Distrito Escolar de Oceanside, y recibirán un sello en su diploma cuando se gradúen de la high school indicando que son bilingües.

Diane también brinda servicios de interpretación para las familias de Oceanside que se reúnen con los profesores o para IEP (discapacidades educativas). “Los padres de familia tienen el derecho legal a recibir servicios lingüísticos… gratuitos”, dice, en cualquier idioma, incluso para evaluaciones de discapacidad.

Pueden hacer todas las preguntas que quieran directamente a los maestros, psicólogos y otros proveedores de servicios escolares, dice Diane. “La intérprete/traductora da voz a las familias y les permite tomar decisiones informadas que pueden ayudar a sus estudiantes a tener más éxito en la escuela”.

Diane, promotora de la alfabetización bilingüe, insta a las familias a utilizar dos idiomas en el hogar. “Es importante seguir leyendo y hablando en el idioma del hogar para desarrollar habilidades transferibles”, dice.

Para celebrar a quienes trabajan arduamente para educar a los estudiantes bilingües, el Simposio de Liderazgo en Doble alfabetización de San Diego lleva a cabo una ceremonia anual de premios; Diane fue una de las homenajeadas en el evento del 25 de abril.

The following North County San Diego County districts and charter schools have adopted the state seal of biliteracy for graduating students. Ask districts for list of schools.

Audeo Charter School, Oceanside

Escondido Charter High, Escondido

High Tech High North County, San Marcos

San Marcos Unified, San Marcos

Guajome Park Academy, Vista

Oceanside Unified, Oceanside (Ask for list of schools/ pidan lista de escuelas)

San Dieguito Union High School District, Encinitas/Solana Beach

Carlsbad Unified, Carlsbad

Fallbrook Union High School District, Fallbrook

Vista Unified, Vista

Escondido Union High School District

Valley Center-Pauma Unified

Biliteracy Pathway Recognition

Encinitas Union, Encinitas

San Marcos Unified, San Marcos

Valley Center-Pauma Unified

Vista Unified, Vista

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