

Ayuda para familiares con Alzheimer

Alzheimer’s San Diego 858-492-4400 ¿Cuándo es el envejecimiento normal y cuándo es demencia? Esta es la pregunta que se hacen muchas personas y familias, dice Eugenia Welch, presidenta y directora ejecutiva de Alzheimer’s San Diego, una organización sin fines…

Get Help for Family Members with Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s San Diego 858-492-4400 What is normal aging and what is dementia? This is the question many individuals and families ask themselves, says Eugenia Welch, president and CEO of Alzheimer’s San Diego, a nonprofit organization in San Diego. “It’s…

Being a Caregiver Is Hard, but There Is Help 

By Melanie Slone Rosario Reyes, 760-410-7710 In the US today, it is estimated that more than 53 million people are providing unpaid care for a family member, according to the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP. National Family…