

Cuidar la salud de sus hijos/as

Se requieren vacunas para la inscripción escolar Por la pediatra Dra. Radha Iyengar, TrueCare Las vacunas infantiles son parte integral de la salud de los niños/as durante todo el año. Ya sea usted padre de familia, tutor o abuelo, es…

Guarding the Health of Your Child

Immunizations Are Required for School Enrollment By Pediatrician Dr. Radha Iyengar, TrueCare Childhood immunizations are integral to the year-round health of children. Whether you’re a parent, guardian, or grandparent, it’s important to stay informed on this topic. A pediatrician’s guidance…

Oceanside Schools Offer Dual-Language Education

By Melanie Slone Dual-language education in San Diego County schools: OUSD Facebook en español: Families can put their kindergarteners in dual immersion learning in Oceanside, says Diane Kemp López, District Translator/Interpreter II in the Oceanside School District Communications…